Kelvin and Helene Lutge and Matilda, their mother....

I've know this photo of my grandparents' wedding my entire life.  It's now amongst a group of family photos on the wall in my hallway.  Kelvin Walter Lutge and Ethel Lillian Webb-Wagg were married on 12 November 1921 at St Peter's Anglican Church in Gerard Street Cremorne.  Here's a copy of the church register.

I attended an afternoon of organ music at St Peter's yesterday.  The church is only 1.5km from my home.  The last time I was in the church was 30 years ago for my grandmother's funeral. Knowing my family's association with the church after it opened in 1911, I was home to refresh my memory! My great uncles', Bob and Jack Webb Wagg, baptisms in February 1912 commenced the run of "family events" in the church.

Until this morning, I'd never connected the dots to see that my grandmother's attendant was Helene Lutge, Kelvin's sister, and my grandfather's attendant was Harry Webb-Wagg, my grandmother's brother.  The older fellow on the left of the photo is Albert Hayden Webb-Wagg, the father of the bride.

Kelvin was just a few days short of his 23 birthday and Ethel was 20 at the time of their marriage.  Harry was going on 19 and Helene had turned 15 on 22 July.  Thinking that she looked older, here's the photo that her granddaughter, Lindy, has shared.  I'm confident that we now have another photo of Helene!

But there was more once I looked....

Another photo that Lindy shared shows Helene and Matilda Lutge (nee Winton) - the inscription on the back read "Lee and Mother".  Why has it taken me so long to connect all the dots?  The second photo is Matilda from my collection.  I'd be interested in hearing what you think....

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