
Showing posts from June, 2019

150 years today since our many times great-grandfather, Peter Benson Lutge, was naturalised!

Peter Benson Lutge and his wife, Mary Bonner, founded our Lutge family in Australia with their marriage in 1862 at St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney.  Family history research brings strange synchronicity at times!  Yesterday was 130 years since the death of Mary and today's 150 years since Peter Benson's naturalisation.  We are so fortunate to have Peter Benson's signature on his oath of naturalisation and personal details on his certificate of naturalisation. I've written many times of my search for the birth or baptismal registration for eight of the ten children of Peter Benson and Mary.  I've only located birth registrations for John Henry and Peter Benson (junior).  While the quest continues, there's been a breakthrough!!! John Henry Lutge, the oldest of Peter and Mary's children, is my great-grandfather.  I've had AncestryDNA matches with other descendants of John Henry and his wife, Matilda.  Recently, we've had Ance...